This comprehensive guide will assist you in seamlessly integrating the sign-up flow using the options provided: various appropriate SDKs depending on your requirements.
To ensure a smooth integration experience, we recommend utilizing the appropriate SDK of your preference as it simplifies the process by handling the API calls internally. An SDK, or Software Development Kit, is a set of tools, libraries, and documentation that simplifies the process of interacting with a particular service or API. It handles the underlying complexities of making API calls, allowing you to focus on integrating the functionality into your application. Detailed documentation for each appropriate SDK is available in the GitHub repository's Readme files.
Choose from the following appropriate SDKs, each accompanied by its respective usage documentation available in the GitHub repository:
Select the appropriate SDK that best suits your development environment and preferences to proceed with the integration process.
For Instnt's public API endpoints, visit Instnt's dedicated API Docs.
Understanding Instnt's Platform
The following pages describe in detail the integration requirements and back end functionality of Instnt's platform.
Data Encryption and Decryption
Learn how to encrypt your public/private key pairing and decrypt the assertion response payload in order to fully onboard with Instnt!
You alone, as the possessor of the private portion of the key pair, can decrypt this data. These keys are signed via RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 SHA256 and encrypted by RSA-OAEP for key wrapping and AES GCM for payload encryption.
CORS Implementation
Setting trusted domains is an important part of the workflow generation process, so please review our Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) documentation to understand how this function helps secure your workflow.
CORS is an HTTP-header based mechanism that allows a server to indicate any other origins (domain, scheme, or port) than its own from which a browser should permit loading of resources.
Getting and Analyzing the Assertion Response
The assertion response displays the relevant metrics that determine acceptance, rejection or manual review decisions from the Instnt engine.
It also lists the relevant information for the specific customer tied to it, including: first name, last name, mobile number, email, etc., and data and metadata that was processed about the enrolling user's device, biometric behaviors, geolocation, network cohort analysis, KYC and document verification outcomes.
Document Verification
The Document Verification feature is composed of a Javascript library that is injected into your web-app via Instnt's Javascript Agent or the React/Angular SDK's.
This feature also contains user-defined Javascript Callback functions to initialize the Javascript library for Document and Selfie Image capture and to handle both of the base64-encoded captured images.
Resources and Reference Materials
Instnt's API processes field data objects to produce a variety of reason codes. The following pages contain all relevant reference data for Instnt's platform.
Fields Dictionary
This glossary contains information about the fields dictionary required for integrations where your server-side POSTs to the workflow submission API end-point for workflow processing.
Reason Codes
This page includes a list of Reason Codes used by Instnt and their corresponding definitions.